What’s pink and black and serves delicious burgers?

Latin Burger and Taco!

A new truck has rolled into town...

Using Twitter (@LatinBurger) and Facebook, this truck lets eager foodies in on what location they will be for the day. Usually they hit up two spots- one for lunch and one for dinner, providing burgers and tacos to all who are willing to wait!

Brought to Miami by Food Network star Ingrid Hoffman and her husband, the truck also works in conjunction with Johnson and Wales and Frank Kelly’s Project Vacant Streets to staff the truck. The manager is the sweetest man named Robert who got started with the truck from it’s early beginnings in December 2009. He comes from Project Vacant Streets and says that this job has turned his life around.

I had the pulled pork BBQ taco and snagged a few of my friend’s cajun fries. It was just what I expected, which was perfect. Since this mobile truck is sometimes a little hard to get to, you can bet I’ll keep up on Twitter for the next time it’s only a few blocks away again! Up next? Try their signature Latin Burger.

How can you not want to try this? Photo courtesy of Burger Beast

I talked with the owner too who says there are big plans in store for expansion to give even more people working opportunities and keep smiles on the faces of mid-day workers who get their day spiced up a bit with this zesty food!

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