America No More.

I’ve finally arrived in Frankfurt and what a journey it has been. Ok, not really. Things actually went pretty smoothly. I left Denver around 6pm so had the full day to make sure that I was really ready. After being supplied with ample music from the wonderful Lizzy, I went for one final lunch to Karl’s Deli for some Wienerschnitzel (to get me in the German mood maybe?) and to say bye to my uncle and grandparents. When we got back to the house, my dad was a bit worried about the size of my bags and so, to avoid an airport debacle, we headed to FedEx to weigh my bags. Lo and behold, they weighed 61 pounds and 56 pounds… That meant 16 pounds needed to come out or we’d be paying a fortune at check-in. So an hour before I left, the bags were unpacked and sacrifices were made. It’s a good thing we did it though because I do not want to think of the stress that would have incurred at the airport. Needless to say, I weighed in there at the exact limit on both bags.

I ran into an old friend from Creek who was on my flight to Frankfurt so thankfully had someone to distract me whilst waiting for the plane to board. This past week I had full intentions of watching both 17 Again and Hannah Montana: The Movie, but failed in both. So imagine my happiness when I saw both as options on my plane ride! I was ecstatic. But really.

And so begins my flight. After watching both movies, drinking two glasses of red wine (whoops?) and eating a sandwich, brownie, and salad, I was ready for bed. Turned out to be more of a 3 hour nap, as I was awoken for breakfast. Even though I was not that hungry I decided I am going to try to adjust to the time difference ASAP so ate breakfast and have since stayed awake, even though it is 4 AM and I am running on three hours of sleep. I’m thinking I’ll sleep on the quick flight to Madrid!

I must say I love the Germans. While going through security one of my bags got pulled aside because they saw two bottles. Two bottles? I knew I had my Sigg but he told me I had another one that would hold alcohol. Then, I remembered I had a flask in my bag holding all of my electronic cords and chargers. He opened and smelt the empty container and preceded to ask me  what had filled it. I can’t even remember the last time I used it but smelt it, as well, and realized it was some very fragrant Passionfruit Vodka. I told him and for some strange reason, he got a kick out of it and proceeded to let me go!

That brings me to this gate. I do not know the next time I will have internet so we will see but it is official. I am abroad!

1 thought on “America No More.

  1. Red wine… whoops?! Hahahahaha I am so glad everything went smoothly and you are THERE! I am missing you tons and attempted to text you last night but remembered that you are, indeed, abroad. 😀

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